Choosing Business Goals

Choosing Business Goals

Six Things To Be Aware Of If You're Dealing With A Chip On A Glass LCD Screen

by Wade Wheeler

If you use equipment with glass display screens at your facility, it's important to keep your equipment screens in good shape. Unfortunately, chips can sometimes develop on these screens. 

The following are six things to be aware of if you're dealing with chip damage on a glass LCD screen at your facility. 

Getting repairs done right away is important.

Chips in display glass can get worse over time. Temperature or humidity changes could potentially cause a glass chip to expand. This will make repairs more difficult and potentially more costly.

If you wait too long before scheduling repairs for damaged display glass, the damage might become so significant that the display needs to be completely replaced. 

Chips on glass LCD screens can detract from performance and productivity.

It's possible that chips on display glass can slow staff members down when they are working on equipment. Chips that detract from visibility could compromise accuracy. It's therefore important to get glass chips repaired quickly to maintain performance and productivity at your facility. 

Chips on glass LCD screens detract from equipment value.

Your company's equipment with glass display screens could be among the most valuable assets that your company has. Any damage to this equipment including chips in display screens detracts from the value of the affected equipment. It, therefore, brings down the total value of your company and its assets. 

Restoring the condition of damaged display screens is an important part of taking care of your facility's equipment and maintaining the value of your company's assets. 

It's possible to completely repair some chips on LCD glass.

Chips on glass display screens can often be repaired by filling them with a substance such as epoxy. Minor damage to screens can be repaired so that the screen is restored to its original condition in many cases. 

It's a good idea to train staff members to avoid chips and other screen damage in the future.

If an equipment display screen at your facility has become chipped, you may want to have your staff undergo some training to prevent similar damage in the future. Staff members can reduce screen damage by avoiding touching screens or getting too close to them with tools or heavy equipment. 

You should have your glass display screens inspected for chips and other damage periodically.

It might be hard to notice small glass display screen chips if you're not periodically inspecting for them. Have your staff members include a periodic inspection of glass screens as part of routine equipment maintenance. 


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Choosing Business Goals

When was the last time you started evaluating your business goals? Although I have always been pretty motivated to succeed, I knew that there had to be something I could do to make a difference. I wanted to grow the company into international markets, so I started focusing more and more seriously on making that happen. Within a few months, there were some really powerful changes that we were able to implement, and I felt happy about making that productive change. Check out this website for great tips on making your life better with a more organized approach to business.
